Financial Apocalypse


“FINANCIAL APOCALYPSE is the sequel to Dohmen’s prescient book written in 2007, PRELUDE TO MELTDOWN. In his newest book he gives a complete, “real time” step by step account of how he was able to predict what he warned would be “the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression” advising his clients to sell short. In 2011, Senator Christopher Dodd, says that Washington was 10 minutes away from shutting down the nations banking system. He said that in a closed meeting at the time, Fed head Bernanke warned that the global financial system “will melt down within days” if drastic action is not taken. With charts and clear analysis, Dohmen shows how he predicted the demise of Lehman Brothers even while it’s CEO gave assurances that all was well. Dohmen predicted the forced takeovers of Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, Countrywide, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and others. At the same time, the Federal Reserve chairman, top Washington officials, and Wall Street “Lords of the Universe” gave assurances that there would not be a crisis. Dohmen’s clients had the opportunity to not just protect themselves, but to make fortunes during the meltdown. The book is a collector’s item, something you want on your bookshelf for many years.”
