This Rally Is Flashing Big Warning Signs

Currently we’re seeing an ever-increasing number of preliminary warning signs for the markets. The big smart money is already lightening up their positions. You can see that when companies announce very good results but the stocks get hit by lots of selling. That is...

This Is The Best Opportunity For Investors In Decades

(Written by Bert Dohmen, contains excerpts from our latest Wellington Letter published on June 9, 2024) The big AI stocks had some nice gains on Monday (6/11/2024). These stocks, along with AI-related firms, should be considered long-term investments. But even that...

Why The Fed Can’t Cut Rates This Year

We have been referring to the growth of M2 (money supply) as one of the factors that shows that the Fed has NOT been fighting inflation in our previous articles (“What’s Truly Fueling the AI Stock Market Rally” and “The Makings of a Huge Speculative Frenzy, Bigger...

What’s Truly Fueling the AI Stock Market Rally

The latest big market rally has been driven by all the hoopla around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how transformative it is and will be in the coming years. While this huge technological advancement has surely been a big catalyst for stocks in and related to AI,...

Will The Growing China Crises Infect The World?

On Monday, January 22nd, China was almost melting down, with the CSI 1000 Index plunging nearly 6%. As a result, China’s government prohibited short selling of stocks that same day. That is always the failing remedy for interfering with market forces. What is next?...

Skyrocketing Governmental Debt Threatens Financial Collapse

We just read that the federal government is running its largest deficit as a percentage of GDP outside of WWII period. Another great achievement! And next year we are likely to see the greatest money creation out of thin air in the entire history of the US. The Fed...

2023: The Year of Great Deceptions

(Written by Bert Dohmen, contains excerpts from our latest Wellington Letter issue) This year has been the “Year of Great Deceptions,” as we have frequently pointed out. The market has been deceptively promoted as having big gains in 2023. Yet, the naïve investors and...

It’s Starting to Look Like the Crash of 2000 All Over Again

Global market authority Bert Dohmen has been saying for a number of months that the stock market would be OK until the end of August, and then start a strong decline in September. So far that has been right on target. This current period reminds us of the period...

Why Apple Could Plunge 30%

Apple has been the hot topic lately. Yet, over one month ago I warned about the decline in the stock saying “when Apple can’t even be supported, watch out below!” That was on August 4th, the day Apple’s stock plunged 4.8%, its worst single day drop in...