Is The Selling Really Over? Or Is This The Calm Before The Storm?

Markets Suffer Big Losses Since the Start of August…But is the Selling Just Getting Started? Stocks have sold off over the first two weeks of August. At first the selling was hidden in the lesser looked at indices like the NYSE Composite and Russell 2000. But...

A New Bull Market? Think Again

The most often asked question of analysts in the media is whether this is a new bull market. The majority seems to be saying it is. We at Dohmen Capital Research are on the opposite side of that debate. Investors are being told that the S&P 500 gained over 20%...

The Fake Employment Statistics Exposed

In our business, over the past 46 years we have used several slogans to explain what we specialize in. One is: “Timing is everything.” Another: “Where you see tomorrow’s headlines today.” The latter was confirmed this week. We wrote an article in early February about...

After The Strong Correction, Gold Will Shine Again

About 7 weeks ago, on April 16, we wrote to our Wellington Letter members: “Gold is still near term bullish. But beware of a potentially strong correction. The probability is high that the 2020 high will be reached and perhaps briefly exceeded. Old highs, the further...

An Open Letter To Fed Chair Powell by Bert Dohmen

My suggestion to you, Chair Powell, is “Stop Hiking Rates and Tighten Credit Instead.” The above suggestion of what the Fed should consider does not mean it would be painless. Once big inflation has been caused by central banks, which are the only durable sources of...

Why the “Bullish” Employment Report is Complete “BS”

Most analysts still hang on the false conclusion of a “strong labor market” and how it is a key factor to their “new bull market” thesis. Don’t these people read? Didn’t these analysts hear about the huge layoffs, with the biggest companies in the tech sector now...

Let’s Not Make The Cure Worse Than The Disease

“Let’s Not Make The Cure Worse Than The Disease” So says President Trump. And he is taking action. President Trump announced his plan to force the opening of the country on Thursday, April 16. Americans are lucky to have such a decisive president. We were researching...

The Worst Is Still Ahead For Investors

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